Monday, December 28, 2009

Precious, Priceless...Rare

I came across this poem today and it was a needed reminder of the importance of my role as a mother. It's so easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of chores, cooking, pinching pennies and changing diapers that I often forget the big picture of why I'm home with my precious daughter. It's not to maintain a perfect, spotless home (although that would be nice) but to nurture my child, teach her and raise her to be a godly woman who loves the Lord. That's why I'm home and it's more important and lasting than any amount of money I could be making at a job. My mommy job is "priceless, precious...rare." I hope this poem encourages you as it did me.

The Little Child I'm Building
By Valerie Martin Bailey

Great rulers build vast kingdoms, but
Those kingdoms rise and fall.
Famed engineers build bridges, and
Skyscrapers, soaring tall.
The celebrated of this world
Build reputations, grand,
While financiers build bank accounts
And power to command.
Egyptians built the pyramids
That stand until this day;
But even these amazing works
Will crumble in decay.
Day-dreamers build on fantasy
And hope their dreams come true.
The prejudiced build walls of hate -
Select who passes through.

But I'm building one small child,
Whose worth can't be appraised;
My heart is held in those small hands
So trustingly upraised.
A treasure God has given me -
So I must build with care,
For this is an eternal soul -
It's precious, priceless...rare.
When kingdoms and great works of art
Have molded into dust;
When wealth and power dissipate
As all earth's treasures must,
The little child that I have built
Must stand before God's throne,
So let my child be firmly built...
On Christ, the Cornerstone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Joy of Couponing!

I’ve always thought clipping coupons was a waste of time. I’ve heard the stories about how people save tons of money using coupons and I never understood how they did it. Normally when I shop, I buy all generic because the brand name products typically cost double. Even with a coupon, the brand name product costs more. So why waste my time clipping coupons when I can just buy generic? Well, I’ve seen the error of my ways and my outlook on couponing has changed dramatically! Why? A fabulous website called Money Saving Mom. I kept hearing about it, checked it out and was quickly hooked! This lady is an avid coupon shopper and she has actually taken the time to teach and explain how coupons can save tons of money. She goes into great depth on her website, but I learned the secret to getting great deals with coupons is to buy when the items I want are on SALE. When I combine the sale price with a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon, I get BIG savings.

Walgreens is a perfect example. I’ve never shopped at Walgreens because I get ripped off when I shop there. Since my couponing revelation, however, Walgreens actually has fabulous deals. Last night, Nick wanted ice cream. It just so happens that Walgreens had Blue Bell Ice Cream on sale 2/$8. I got online and found a coupon for $1 off 1 half gallon and printed two. I ended up paying $6.28 for two half gallons! It would have cost that much for one half gallon at Kroger. Anyway, this may not seem like a fabulous deal to those who are more experienced with couponing, but it thrilled my little soul! So I guess I am now a coupon convert!

Baby Check-up

I'm 23 weeks pregnant with Emmersen Grace and everything looks great! We got the C-section scheduled for March 31. I did get one small bit of news that thrilled my soul...I've only gained 10 pounds!!!! Apparently, running around after a one-year-old keeps those preganacy pounds away!