Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Different Kind of Anniversary!

We’ve been married for six years. Six years full of learning, growing, babies, sleepless nights, hard work and lots of love. It’s interesting to look back and remember what life was like when we first got married. Not much money, a bunch of debt, and a money pit for a house. We also had lots of time together. We usually celebrate by going out to a nice restaurant and enjoying time just the two of us. Well, time just the two of us is pretty hard to come by these days and our anniversary this year was no exception, despite our best efforts!

 We celebrated by having brunch at Cracker Barrel (just the four of us)! We talked about how our life has changed from six years ago! This season of our life is filled with our girls and even though we were a little bummed that our anniversary was not exactly “romantic,” it is definitely another sweet memory that we’ll look back on and smile.

Happy Father's Day!

Nick's first Father's Day being a daddy to two precious little girls. B wanted to get down in the worst way and it was all Nick could do to hold her still so we could get a nice photo. This was the best we came up with :)

It's a little late, but Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Daddy!! Nick is so great with these two. They will grow up knowing they are loved and special and important to their Daddy. I think that is the most amazing gift any father can give to his child.

Our Girls

The photo on the left is the first picture of the girls together. Bri is one and a half and I think Emmie just turned three months old. I was so thrilled when I took it because they were both smiling and looked so adorable and happy. Then I looked at it printed up and realized that they are way too dark because I took it in the shade. Wish I hadn't learned that lesson on such a sweet pic.

Little sweetie pie :)