Monday, December 28, 2009

Precious, Priceless...Rare

I came across this poem today and it was a needed reminder of the importance of my role as a mother. It's so easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of chores, cooking, pinching pennies and changing diapers that I often forget the big picture of why I'm home with my precious daughter. It's not to maintain a perfect, spotless home (although that would be nice) but to nurture my child, teach her and raise her to be a godly woman who loves the Lord. That's why I'm home and it's more important and lasting than any amount of money I could be making at a job. My mommy job is "priceless, precious...rare." I hope this poem encourages you as it did me.

The Little Child I'm Building
By Valerie Martin Bailey

Great rulers build vast kingdoms, but
Those kingdoms rise and fall.
Famed engineers build bridges, and
Skyscrapers, soaring tall.
The celebrated of this world
Build reputations, grand,
While financiers build bank accounts
And power to command.
Egyptians built the pyramids
That stand until this day;
But even these amazing works
Will crumble in decay.
Day-dreamers build on fantasy
And hope their dreams come true.
The prejudiced build walls of hate -
Select who passes through.

But I'm building one small child,
Whose worth can't be appraised;
My heart is held in those small hands
So trustingly upraised.
A treasure God has given me -
So I must build with care,
For this is an eternal soul -
It's precious, priceless...rare.
When kingdoms and great works of art
Have molded into dust;
When wealth and power dissipate
As all earth's treasures must,
The little child that I have built
Must stand before God's throne,
So let my child be firmly built...
On Christ, the Cornerstone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Joy of Couponing!

I’ve always thought clipping coupons was a waste of time. I’ve heard the stories about how people save tons of money using coupons and I never understood how they did it. Normally when I shop, I buy all generic because the brand name products typically cost double. Even with a coupon, the brand name product costs more. So why waste my time clipping coupons when I can just buy generic? Well, I’ve seen the error of my ways and my outlook on couponing has changed dramatically! Why? A fabulous website called Money Saving Mom. I kept hearing about it, checked it out and was quickly hooked! This lady is an avid coupon shopper and she has actually taken the time to teach and explain how coupons can save tons of money. She goes into great depth on her website, but I learned the secret to getting great deals with coupons is to buy when the items I want are on SALE. When I combine the sale price with a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon, I get BIG savings.

Walgreens is a perfect example. I’ve never shopped at Walgreens because I get ripped off when I shop there. Since my couponing revelation, however, Walgreens actually has fabulous deals. Last night, Nick wanted ice cream. It just so happens that Walgreens had Blue Bell Ice Cream on sale 2/$8. I got online and found a coupon for $1 off 1 half gallon and printed two. I ended up paying $6.28 for two half gallons! It would have cost that much for one half gallon at Kroger. Anyway, this may not seem like a fabulous deal to those who are more experienced with couponing, but it thrilled my little soul! So I guess I am now a coupon convert!

Baby Check-up

I'm 23 weeks pregnant with Emmersen Grace and everything looks great! We got the C-section scheduled for March 31. I did get one small bit of news that thrilled my soul...I've only gained 10 pounds!!!! Apparently, running around after a one-year-old keeps those preganacy pounds away!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

My Mom visited us during the week of Thanksgiving and we had a great time! We ate out and shopped and wrapped up the visit with a delicious feast on Thanksgiving day. We're definitely enjoying the leftovers ;)

Mom and Bri

Bri is happy with her lemon wedge!

Beautiful baby girl!

Nick feeling a little loopy after all the food :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cake and Presents!

We got Bri a little birthday cake to tear into for her 1st birthday. She wasn't quite sure what to think about the cake at first, but she figured it out pretty quickly :) I've never really let her make such a huge mess with her food so she was jazzed to get to touch and squish and mash her cake. Needless to say, no one else got any ;)

Visit to Baker Park

We took Bri to Baker Park this weekend and had a blast! The weather was absolutely perfect and we wanted to get out and enjoy it. This was the first time Bri had been in a baby swing and she thoroughly enjoyed it. I think she had the most fun with the gravel on the playground. The different rocks fascinated her. She's taking after her daddy, who also has a rock fetish :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Brianna Elizabeth!!

Our baby girl is one year old today!! All parents say their children grow up in the blink of an eye. My Dad has advised me to enjoy each season in my child's life because the different seasons end so quickly. I have to admit, I doubted that advise during the first few months of Bri's life. It felt as if the sleep deprivation, night feedings and constant fatigue would never end. But it did and now her first year has indeed flown by. Next year she'll be TWO! Wow.

Here are a few pictures of Brianna on her big day! More to come.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's a GIRL!

Yay, we're having another girl!! It may be horrible to admit this, but my first thought was "Cool, now we can reuse all our baby girl stuff and we don't have to buy anything new!" Praise the Lord, everything is looking good with this little girl and we can't wait to meet her. We haven't decided on a name yet...the only one I've thought of so far is Bethany Grace, but we're not in love with it. We want something that's not common but is still cute and kinda trendy. Anybody have suggestions for girl names that start with "B" and sound good with Brianna?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Boy or Girl?

We find out tomorrow if Baby # 2 is a boy or a girl! Nick and I both have a feeling it's a boy but we'll find out for sure in less than 24 hours. Part of me still can't believe we're having another baby. It's even more strange to know this child will be completely different from Brianna and yet still be half Nick and half me.

Bri is making huge strides with her mobility. She has started pulling up onto her feet in the last week or so. YAY! I was seriously stressed when we found out we were pregnant again and she still wasn't even rolling over. It's a huge weight off my mind that she'll be mobile when the new baby gets here. Actually, I guess that could be a blessing or a curse!

Below are some pictures from September. My baby is such a cutie pie!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kerr Family Update

Blogging just isn't my thing. I love the idea of it and I love to read other people's blogs but writing one of my own just isn't appealling. The fact that no one reads my blog could be part of my lack of motivation. So for anyone who might be reading this, here is an update on what's been going on with the Kerr family.

First, Baby #2 is on the way! He/she is due April 5th and I'm anxious to meet him or her. We find out the gender on November 11th and we're excited!! I've felt the baby move a couple of times but nothing consistent yet. We weren't expecting to be pregnant again quite this quickly, but God is in control and has promised not to give us more than we/I can handle. While part of me is apprehensive about life with two babies under two, part of me is amazed and in awe that we're going to have another little one to cherish and enjoy. I feel blessed to be able to have children this easily when so many couples would give anything to start their own families.

Brianna is almost one year old and is a crawling maching! She loves moving around on her own and Momma is loving it too! Now for walking!! She likes to eat off my plate and any time she sees me with food, she wants a taste. We eat buckwheat pancakes together every morning. As soon as breakfast is ready she crawls over to me and reaches for a bite! She has six teeth total now. Two on the bottom and four on the top. We're working on transitioning from bottle to sippy cup, although she is still seriously attached to her bottle. No major developments in the talking department yet. She says "momma" and "dada" but I'm not sure if she associates those names with us yet.

Fall is here and my fingers are itching to start knitting or crocheting a cozy throw. As soon as we find out the gender of the baby, I'm marching down to the yarn shop to pick out my yarn and a pattern. Bri has gotten super attached to the baby blanket I knitted for her, which thrilled me!! So I thought I'd do the same for Baby #2 so nobody gets left out.

Monday, July 27, 2009

5th Anniversary

Well, we've been married for five years, half a decade. WOW! Sometimes it feels as if we've been married FOREVER and at other times it's as though we just got married a few months ago.

We had a lovely anniversary date. Thanks to Grandma and Aunt Jen for watching baby Bri so we could have our special night out. We ate at Loca Luna, which I love. The atmosphere is romantic and the food is delicious! YUM. Oh, and my sweet husband gave me a super special and sweet anniversary present. :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Great Website

I Googled the phrase "emergent church" this morning since I'd heard about it a couple times and had no idea what it meant. In the process, I stumbled into this awesome, biblically-based website that answers all kinds of questions backed up by Scripture. It's called and is incredibly refreshing.

I read the following articles and thought they were spot on. What do you think?

What is the emerging / emergent church movement?

The Shack by William P. Young - a review

New Happenings with Brianna

Brianna is 7 1/2 months old and has cut two teeth since I last posted!! The first one popped out a few weeks ago and she just cut the second tooth two days ago. I now understand why babies have such a hard time when they are teething. Those little suckers are sharp!! I can't imagine have those sharp little teeth pushing up through my gums. I think it would hurt me too. Anyway, the drool has been flowing like crazy at our house!

She is starting to try to talk now. She says "da da da da da" over and over. This morning she was babbling in her crib letting me know she was ready to eat and she kept saying "ba ba ba ba ba." It was as if she was saying "baba" for bottle. She's so sweet!

Little Miss Bri still has not learned how to roll over! She is almost there but not quite. She can sit up by herself if she's in a semi-reclined position, though!! And she is starting to whine and cry when I leave the room for a minute. As soon as I get to where she can see me again, she gets a huge smile on her face and starts babbling.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sweet Bri

Bri did the cutest thing the other day when I laid her down to swaddle her for a nap. She's started pulling her pacifier out of her mouth for fun and she did it while I was trying to swaddle her. She stuck her paci stright up in the air and was laying there staring at it. She looked at it for a few seconds and then opened her mouth as wide as she could, wanting that paci back in her mouth. When I put it back in her mouth, she sucked on it so hard and started making these sweet little contented sounds. She loves her paci!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Interesting Thought

I was at my weekly Bible study this past Wednesday and our pastor had a great suggestion. He was addressing older women and mothers of young moms and told them that sometimes what young moms really need is a blessing. He said, "Sometimes they need your blessing more than they need your advice. Sometimes they just need to hear that they're doing a good job." That statement caught my attention for a couple of reasons.

First, I'm a new mom and I do need encouragement from older women. When times are hard with Bri and I'm worn out, it would be wonderful to hear encouraging, affirming words instead of being bombarded by a million different tips and unsolicated suggestions.

Second, my pastor's statement made me stop stop and think about how other new moms feel. We all get discouraged and drained at some point and just need someone to LISTEN without being barraged by "Have you tried such and such?" I've decided start doing for others what I wish was done for me...listen, encourage and give advice only when it is requested.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter!

Bri's Easter pictures were taken at Garvin Gardens. Carmen had the idea to put her in the Easter basket, which was brilliant! The pics came out so good!! Thank you, Carmen!

Photography by Carmen Ramey

Bri's First Time to Eat Cereal!

I don't like this!!

No more, Momma!

I figured it out!!

I figured out how to make my blog pretty!! Yay, I'm so excited!! For those of you who want your blog to look pretty, here is the website that gives you the HTML code to do the neat backgrounds: Of course, this may be common knowledge to most everyone else.

Trying to Blog...Again

So I've been a little remiss in keeping my blog up to date. I've decided to give blogging another stab. Honestly, blogs irritate me because I can't seem to figure out how to make my blog look fancy with all the graphics and custom stuff that other people have on theirs. I'm wondering if you have to know how to write HTML code to get it to look custom? I'd gladly accept help in figuring this out if anyone has suggestions!

Ok, enough of my complaining. Below are some recent pictures of Brianna Elizabeth. She is getting so big that I can hardly believe it. She started cereal on Saturday and she is not a fan!! She makes the funniest faces. She has also learned how to spit. She loves to put her little lips together and blow between them. The only problem is she blows her spit into Momma's face!

Tummy time under her jungle mat!

She loves her kisses from Daddy! (March 09)

Sweet little face!